Last weekend we did a Grilled Cheese Night for Tal’s Cocktail Tasting.
Wait a minute…. have I not introduced Tal?????? Well, well, well…..
Our very own, In House Mix Master Mixologist, Phone Answering, Event Co-ordinating, Rental Negotiating, Email Responding, All-Around Comforting….. General Manager Talmadge Lowe. We’re so proud to have him on our team.
Here are some highlights from his Scotch Tasting:
Tal’s Menu:
The Old Tom Morris, named for the “Godfather of Golf”, made of Scotch, Averna, Sugar Cane Syrup, & Chocolate Mole Bitters, it’s bitter and sweet just like the game.
Blood and Sand, a classic cocktail named after Rudolph Valentino’s film of the same name. This one consisted of Scotch, Orange, Sweet Vermouth, and Cherry Herring.
The Smoker’s Cocktail that Tal stole from Jaime of the late, great Le Madelaine. It had Scotch, Port, and Triplum
Then of course there’s the grub:
So to Re-Cap, We’ve Got Scotch
We’ve Got Grilled Cheese
And (thank gooooood-ness) We’ve Got Tal.
talmadge is awesome!! And damn handsome too!!